D1 Dissemination and communication
Communication and dissemination strategy will focus on activities that will raise awareness and facilitate a successful transition of project topics and outputs into practice, decision-making and the awareness of wider audiences (public, government, decision maker, general and specialised stakeholder groups about project’s topics: importance of genetic diversity for forest health and conservation, risks caused by environmental changes, mitigation strategy). To reach its goal the action is divided into three tasks.
D1.1 Dissemination planning and development of the dissemination pack. It Aims to develop communication infrastructures such as the website, the notice boards and the annual reports that update on project issues. The beneficiaries of this activities can be both a general public (through TV, newspapers and radio) and a specific audience from the forestry sector (researchers, forest owners, politicians, etc.).
D1.2 Dissemination of the project results. It is in turn divided into:
- D1.2.1 General dissemination for the general public, which aims to take care of the website and to develop leaflets, rollups and newsletters and other simple and accessible communication tools.
- D1.2.2 Dissemination targeting the specific audience, which aims to organize workshops, meetings, conferences and guided tours to involve other scientific experts and stakeholders.
In addition, specific publications such as a project communication manual, a guide to tree species and various scientific papers are foreseen in D1.2 in collaboration with other project actions.
D1.3 Networking activities with other projects, programs, expert groups and committees. It refers to the networking with other LIFE and European projects mainly related to climate change and forests. It also seeks to create contacts with other institutions such as research and certification bodies in order to foster the comparison and the development of the project themes. In particular, this activity will be planned in collaboration with Action B4 to favour the transferability of project tools and results.