Final Products

All the final Products

Preparatory actions

A1 Preparatory action

Implementation actions

B1 Landscape genomics approach for sustainable forest management

  • Action B1

B2 Forest ecosystem biodiversity and modelling

  • Action B2

B3 Silvicultural regimes

  • Action B3

B4 Replicability and transferability of project tools and results

  • Action B4

Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

C1 Monitor and measure the impact of the project

  • Action C1

Public awareness and dissemination of results

D1 Dissemination and communication

D1.1. – Dissemination planning and Development of the Dissemination Pack

  • Gadgets


D1.2 Dissemination of the project results

  • Project result

    63rd Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress (10-13 September 2019, Naples, Italy)

  • Project result

    Conference “Climate change, protection and management of agroforestry resources of the Sila National Park (16 October 2019, Camigliatello Silano, Cosenza, Italy)

  • Project result

    National Congress of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (11-15 November 2019, Palermo , Italy)

  • Project result

    Educational event “Un giorno all’Università” (University of Florence)– During the event the objectives of LIFE Systemic project were presented (27 May 2021, Florence, Italy)


  • Project result

    Educational visit – The 2nd year students in Forest sciences (University of Florence) visited the demonstration site num. 3 “Pian dei Ciliegi”; forest regeneration in the site was measured by students (25 May 2021, Italy)


  • Project result

    Orvieto (Italy) 30 May – 2 June 2022, XIII SISEF Congress











































  • Project result

    Livorno (Italy) 14 – 16 June 2022, IX International Symposium on “Monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas: Problems and measurement techniques”

D1.3 Networking activities with other projects, programs, expert groups and committees

  • Networking activities

    LIFEGENMON Final conference “Forest Science for Future Forests: Forest genetic monitoring and biodiversity in changing environments” ( 21 – 25 September 2020 in Ljubljana and Online)

    Program and Abstract

  • Networking activities

    How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – a view across Europe (9 November, 2020 – ON LINE)

    At the Final conference of the oFOREST project, Kristina Sever (SFS) as partner of LIFE SySTEMiC has made a presentation entitled “PAHERNIK FOREST: A CASE FROM SLOVENIA”

Project management

E1 Project management

  • Action E1

E2 After Life Plan

  • Action E2
